Levels of development
The clothing
The tradtional clothing is thatone,which was used by the slaves: a pair of kneepreeches, hold by a cord, a trowser of raw cotton. The Grupo Cativeiro Capoeira considers this clothing for training as usual. During training the pupil should wear always this kind of clothing with the cord. It is obligatory vor the pupil, to keep the clothes clean and to wear it at every event of the group.
Fundamental information about the different levels of development
The pupil should try from the beginning to learn everything, the names of the kicks, the different movements and ways of fights, the different rythms with Berimbau…
1. green (baptism)
- to know the Ginga
- to know the seqences of Capoeira Regional 1 – 8
- to have a vision of the game
2. brown
- to know Ginga perfectly
- to have a basic knowlege of the history of capoeira
- to know kicks and its defence and to know their names
- to know the sequences of the Capoeira Regional fast and perfect
- to know two “toques” with the Berimbau,to know to play Pandeiro, Atabaque and Agogo
- to know any acrobatic movement
- to know the sequence of the Capoeira Angola
3. yellow
- to know four Berimbau-rythms and to know how to play the other instrumenst
- to know Maculelê
- to know the different acrobatic movements
- to know to do the seqences of Capoiera Regional alone
- to have a prezice knowledge about the history of Capoeira (its origin, the different masters, styls and the spreading in other countries)
- to give lessons to other beginners and pupils with the brown cord
- to know to play Angola Jogo de Dentro, mit chamadas
- to be able to sing a Ladainha and corridos
4. violett
- to be able to give a correct lesson to all pupils until the yellow cord inside the group
- to be able to play 3 rythms of Capoiera Regional and Angola
- to have a historical and social knowledge
- to be able to lead a Roda
- to know different saidas of the feet of the berimbau
- to see stragedy´s of game meanwhile watching the adversary
- to know everything about the basics of the other graduations
5. blue
- to know the sequences of Mestre Bimba 1 – 12
- to have experience in teaching
- to be always in good physical and tactical condition
- to be in constant development with the teoretical knowledge
- to participate at baptisms of the own group and in other schools
- to participate at rodas of other academy´s
- to have a position what refers to thems of Capoieira
- to be able to pass on the principles of Capoiera although while not giving lessons, as well with the help of a lower gratuated pupil
- to know to play Maculelê
- to know to play 4 Regional and 4 Angola rythms
- to know all the basics of the other graduations
6. red – white
- to help to spread Capoeira and the Grupo Cativeiro
- to be in good form pysically and tectically
- to manage all the quests of the graduations before
- to have a similar tecnical level with other pupils of the same graduation
- to show the readiness to do teoretical and practical works for the development of Capoiera and the group
- to be Capoeirista
7. white – blue
- follower, which should show himself in the academy based on the truth of the old Masters
- he should be engaged to the true history
- he should have his own name
- he should defend the real principles of the grand masters and of the Grupo Cativeiro inside and outside of the roda
8. white
- to create an efective work for the best of Capoeira
- to have a name in the world of Capoeira
- to have expierience about sports
- to be able to recieve critics and opinions of the old wellknown masters
- to have the aim, to learn about Capoiera always
- to have lived with Capoeira active as “aluno formado” (educated pupil) for about ten years
This are the minimal criterions of the Grupo Cativeiro Capoeira, for those who want to be part of it. The participants have the right, to make proposals and to be critical.